makes clear references to vestigial organs in the human body that were left over. Evolution gives answers to how we advance as humans by evidence provided from fossils and DNA. This leads to the discovery of a logical reason known as evolution. Humans are curious creatures and finding out where they come from is one way to satisfy their curiosity. The Emu, Ostrich, Cassowary and Penguin are all incapable of flight yet they have wings. A great deal of evidence suggests that the appendix is a vestigial or. Understanding Evolution: Vestigial Structures.Blind Mole Rats have tiny eyes that are covered by a thin layer of skin, rendering the eyes useless.

Examples of Vestigial Structures in Humans The coccyx, or tailbone(a remnant of a lost tail) has lost its original function in assisting balance and mobility Wisdom teeth are vestigial third molars that human ancestors used to help in grinding down plant tissue to compensate for a lack of ability to efficiently digest cellulose.How Do Vestigial Structures Relate to Evolution? Evidence for Evolution Homology: shows a common ancestry between related organisms Closely related species = closely related features Homologous Structures: Represent Variations of structural themes present in common ancestors Unlikely that such similarities will appear by “chance” in different species.Vestigial Characteristics Group 42 Ricky Baker Kimberly Melara Jay Paulson Jessica Perry Jamie Thomas.