RAID THE SANCTUM OF DOMINATION-Brave treacherous, unexplored reaches of Torghast in a new 10-boss raid: the Sanctum of Domination.THE COVENANTS STRIKE BACK-With the strength of the kyrian, night fae, necrolords, and venthyr restored, embark on a campaign to unite the four covenants-and together, launch an assault against the Jailer in his home territory.Seek answers in ancient Korthia, the City of Secrets, and engage in new quests and outdoor activities. DISCOVER THE MYSTERIES OF KORTHIA-The Jailer is searching for the key to fulfill his twisted designs-and he has pulled a fragment of a long-lost domain into the Maw itself to find it.But the Banished One has a terrible new champion in his service-a cruel instrument of despair conscripted by Sylvanas Windrunner, capable of instilling dread into the hearts of Azeroth’s heroes like no creature of the Shadowlands. Backed by the renewed might of the four Covenants, the champions of the Horde and the Alliance will take the fight for the Shadowlands to the seat of the Jailer’s power. In Chains of Domination™, the upcoming first major content update for World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands, players will delve into new depths of the Jailer’s hopeless domain, seeking to understand the true nature of his malignant plans.

The traitorous Sire Denathrius has been defeated.

The patch will add flying to the original leveling zones and allow normal mounts to be used on the Maw, as we establish our foothold in the zone. The patch will tell the next chapter in the Shadowlands' story, progressing the Covenant's storylines and exploring new depths of the Maw, including the new zone of Korthia. Blizzard has unveiled the title of Shadowlands' first major content patch: Chains of Domination.