How do I resize a sheet view in Revit? The cropped viewport displays in the Object Info palette, the Crop status changes to Yes. The annotation crop area can be used to crop tags, text, dimensions or other annotative elements separately from the model crop region. If you are modifying a crop region in a perspective 3D view, select either Field of view or Scale (locked proportions). How do I hide crop view lines in Solidworks? Subsequently, how do I copy a drafting view? The point is to have it in a drafting view so that it can be referenced, and automatically titled, numbered. Go to the sheet and confirm that the drafting view extents are normal (they should be close to the drafting view's geometry). Crop regions can be rectangular or non-rectangular. Click Exit Viewport Crop to return to the sheet layer or design layer. It is now 2022 and we are still waiting for this feature? Beside above, how do you change drafting views in Revit? You asked: How to create learning environment in the workplace? 1. Zoom out until you see the entire AutoCAD drawing on the screen.

Use a project template provided by your CAD/BIM manager, or use a default template. A drafting view is created independently from the model, is by default referenced from no particular view, and is meant to be drawn with detail components, lines, and filled regions alone. Revit manages imported images and PDF files in the same way as saved, rendered 3D images.